June 10 on 10


Time for June's 10 on 10 post!  Aaaaand I totally procrastinated and took these photos on June 9th.   There is nothing particularly special about these photos - just our day as it happened and totally unplanned.  

Recently Joey has been waking up around 3am and pitter-pattering into our room.  He climbs on my nightstand and crawls into bed.  I do not care because when I wake up in the morning this is the first thing I see.  my day_0011 copy


And it is now routine to for him to stand up after he wakes and look out our bedroom window.  He points out to me the trees, clouds, toys left in the yard, anything he sees.  my day_0020 copy


He kept trying to grab my camera so I helped him hold it, put his finger on the shutter button and told him to look for daddy and then push the button.  This is my favorite shot that he got. my day_0040 copy

Breakfast was eaten outside

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This is not an uncommon occurrence - he has his father's stick legs. my day_0118 copy

And that is why 9 times out of 10 when we are at home he is not wearing pants.

Chasing me

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A new spot to watch TV

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We walked to the playground later in the evening. my day_0199 copy

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He pulled his wagon all the way home

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But then saw the big kids on their bikes and hitting baseballs in the street.  He plopped himself right down on the tree lawn and watched them for about 5 minutes.  When they started to head home he got up, said "Bye people.  See you soon"

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Please head on over and check out NY lifestyle and birth photographer - Candy Kempsy.  I seriously love every image that she posts - an incredibly talented photographer!