My Newest Little - Day One Photos


This past Sunday we welcomed our newest family member into the family.  These photos took place just 14 hours after she was born.  I am so glad I took 10 minutes to snap these memories for our family and looking at them just 4 days later I can already see how she is changing.  I love how I was able to capture how happy/proud/in love my husband is with her.  I see the emotions in his face that in my post-delivery haze I didn't fully notice.   And that is one of the powers of photography - to not only remember the details, but to fill in the blanks for us. 091613_2013 copy 091613_2016 copy 091613_2029 copy091613_2044 copy 091613_2052 copy 091613_2084 copy 091613_2104-Recovered copy091613_2047 copy 091613_2116 copy Untitled-1 Untitled-2  091613_2130 copy091613_2012 copy