Kids Were Here - May
Another Kids Were Post is up! For these ones I tried to take photos of the things that represent him right now. I love this project so much and love that is has inspired so many people from all over!
Joey LOVES to draw/paint/create. He is always so proud of everything he makes - he walks up to me, holding it up (sometimes so it's facing him - lol) and proudly says "Goey made that". I love the way he says Goey instead of Joey - it's so cute. I love how you can see the little finger prints on the fridge too :)
This just cracks me up. For awhile I could not change his diaper without him putting up a fuss. UNTIL - I put diapers on some of his animals. We changed theirs first then his. We no longer have to do that - but I left their diapers anyways :)
Trains. Trains. Trains. He is obsessed with them. I can honestly say that we spend a few hours every day playing with one of his trains; making tracks, bridges, tunnels and train noises.
THIS book! I absolutely LOVE it and the message in it. You can tell how much we love it here by how worn it is. Yesterday morning I caught Joey reading it to himself. "water it. water it. no come up. no come up. dee end" (he skipped a few pages there - haha). My momma heart was swollen with love, pride, joy and everything in between.
Warm weather means chalk art
and playing in mud :)
Please be sure to check out the Kids Were Here collection of photos for the month of May - one from each photog in the group!